In some instances, registrants will be assigned to a different location-this is because the requested testing location was either full or unavailable.
When registering online (the fastest registration method), test takers will select their preferred testing location. The ACT is offered six times throughout the year on various Saturdays. The score is not affected by the position that is taken but rather how well the position is articulated. The writing test consists of a single writing prompt in which the test taker will be asked to take a position on the issue presented. Students should find out whether any of the schools they are planning to apply to require the ACT Plus Writing exam or only the standard ACT.Įven though all schools do not require the Writing test, many students elect to take it and still report their scores to show they are proficient in writing. There is also an option to take what is called the ACT Plus Writing which consists of the same sections and also 30-minute writing test. Prepare with our ACT Study Guide and Practice Questions.